How to Rewind Boat Lift Cable Like a Pro

To rewind boat lift cable, first, disconnect the cable and take out the old wire. Then, attach the new cable to the boat and the winch, and wind the cable onto the winch drum.

Boat lift cables are an essential part of boat ownership and maintenance. However, cables can wear and break over time, and rewinding them can be a daunting task. It is important to know how to correctly rewind boat lift cables to ensure that your boat remains safe and secure while it is being stored.

In this article, we will guide you through the steps needed to replace your boat’s lift cable. With some time and effort, you can easily rewind your boat lift cable and keep your boat protected for years to come.

How to Rewind Boat Lift Cable Like a Pro


Essential Tools And Materials Needed To Rewind Boat Lift Cable

Boat lifts are the easiest way to dock your boat in a safe and secure manner on your waterfront property or marina. However, over time, boat lift cables can become frayed or corroded, leading to a range of potential problems.

To avoid these issues, it is essential to know how to rewind boat lift cable. Here are the key tools and materials that you will require to rewind any cable.

List Of Essential Tools And Materials Needed

  • New cable – you will require a new boat lift cable to replace any damaged or corroded ones. Ensure that you purchase the right cable size and strength for your boat lift to ensure it functions appropriately.
  • Cable clamps – proper installation of the new cable requires secure clamping of the cable at either end. Cable clamps ensure that the cable stays securely in place and avoid any dangerous cable slippage.
  • Socket set – to safely detach the cable from your boat lift; you will require a socket set. Always choose the correct socket size to avoid damaging any boat lift parts or screws.
  • Work gloves – since the boat lift cable can be thick and heavy, it is essential to wear gloves to avoid any hand injuries while rewinding the cable.
  • Wrench – you might require a wrench if your boat lift has any unique fittings to which the cable attaches. Always have a variety of wrench sizes to guarantee that the boat lift fittings do not get stripped.
  • Winch – a winch makes rewinding boat lift cables much more straightforward, especially when the boat lift is in the water. However, winches are not always necessary when the boat lift is on the shore.
  • Pliers – you may require pliers to remove cable clamps or any other cable fittings. It is essential to have a range of pliers, such as needle-nose pliers, groove-joint pliers, and slip-joint pliers, to ensure that you can work with any cable fitting.

Explanation Of Each Tool And Their Specific Purpose

  • New cable – this new cable prevents any potential damage that arises from using an old or corroded cable. Choosing the right cable size and strength guarantees that your boat lift functions appropriately.
  • Cable clamps – these clamps prevent cable slippage, ensuring that the cable stays securely in place. This avoids any accidents and prevents damage to the boat or the boat lift.
  • Socket set – to remove the boat lift cable safely, you will require the correct socket size to ensure that you do not cause any damage to the boat lift parts or screws.
  • Work gloves – gloves protect your hands from getting cut or scraped by the heavy boat lift cable, which can lead to injuries that require immediate medical attention.
  • Wrench – you will require a wrench if your boat lift has unique fittings. The right size wrench ensures that you work efficiently while avoiding accidental damage to any fittings or screws.
  • Winch – a winch makes the rewinding process much easier, especially when the lift is in the water. A winch is an essential tool if you do not have anyone available to help with the lifting process.
  • Pliers – pliers aid in the removal of cable clamps and other cable fittings. A range of pliers ensures that you have the correct tool to handle any cable fitting quickly and efficiently.

Rewinding a boat lift cable requires the correct tools and materials to complete the task safely and efficiently. This list of essential tools and materials ensures that you have everything you require to complete the job effortlessly. Always ensure that you take the necessary safety precautions before attempting the repair and replacing any damaged or corroded cables.

Step-By-Step Guide To Rewinding Boat Lift Cable

Boat lifts are essential for keeping your watercraft safe and secure out of the water. However, if your boat lift cable starts to wear out, it can be a costly repair. The good news is that you can easily rewind the boat lift cable yourself with this simple step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Disconnecting The Boat Lift Cable

Before you start rewinding your boat lift cable, it’s important to ensure that all power to the boat lift is turned off. This includes both electrical and hydraulic power. You should also disconnect any remote control and emergency stop switches.

It’s important to disconnect everything to ensure your safety during this process.

Step 2: Removing The Old Cable

The next step is to remove the old cable from the boat lift. This involves disconnecting the cable from the pulleys and winch drum. Use a clamp or vice grip to hold the cable in place while you unscrew the bolt holding it to the drum.

Once the old cable is removed, measure its length and diameter so you know the correct size of cable to buy for the rewinding process.

Step 3: Preparing For Cable Rewinding

Now that the old cable is removed, you need to prepare for the rewinding process. Start by cleaning the winch drum and pulleys to ensure smooth operation, and inspect the winch components for any damage or wear. You’ll also need to properly lubricate all moving parts to avoid any future issues.

Step 4: Rewinding The Cable

For the actual rewinding process, start by attaching the new cable to the winch drum. You’ll need to make sure that it is wound in the correct direction and that there is tension on the cable. To do this, slowly turn the winch drum and guide the cable onto it while checking to ensure it is evenly wound all the way across the drum.

Adjust the tension as necessary to ensure that it is tight and properly aligned.

Step 5: Attaching The Cable To The Boat Lift Mechanism

Once the cable is rewound, the final step is to attach it to the boat lift mechanism. This involves threading the cable back through the pulleys and attaching it to the boat lift frame. Make sure to test the lift to ensure that it is working properly before taking your boat out on the water.

By following these simple steps, you can easily rewind your boat lift cable and avoid costly repairs. Just remember to take your time and follow each step carefully to ensure that the rewinding process is done correctly.

Tips And Tricks For Proper And Safe Boat Lift Cable Rewinding

Are you looking for tips and tricks on how to rewind your boat lift cable properly and safely? Look no further, as we have gathered some useful information to help you with the task at hand. Read on to learn about the following h3 headings (###):

Tip 1: Making Sure The Cable Is Fully Tightened

  • Before rewinding the cable, make sure it is fully extended and tightened to avoid any potential kinks or tangles.
  • If you encounter any issues while tightening the cable, do not force it. Instead, identify and resolve the issue before proceeding with the rewinding process.

Tip 2: Avoiding Twists And Tangles

  • While rewinding the cable, make sure it is lying flat and straight to avoid twisting and tangling.
  • Keep an eye out for any overlapping or crossing sections of the cable and realign them if necessary.
  • Remember to take your time and be patient to avoid any mistakes that could lead to costly repairs down the line.

Tip 3: Proper Use Of Tools

  • Using the proper tools can make a significant difference in the rewinding process. Make sure you have the correct tools for the job, such as a winch handle and cable tension gauge.
  • When using the winch handle, make sure to apply equal pressure to both sides to avoid any uneven rewinding that could damage the cable.
  • A cable tension gauge can also help ensure that the cable is properly tightened and aligned during the rewinding process.

Tip 4: Safety Precautions

  • Make sure to take proper safety precautions while rewinding the boat lift cable. Wear protective gloves and eyewear to avoid any injuries.
  • If you encounter any issues or difficulties during the rewinding process, stop and assess the situation before proceeding.
  • Lastly, always double-check your work and confirm that the cable is properly rewound before using the boat lift again.

By following these tips and tricks, you can safely and effectively rewind your boat lift cable without any issues. Remember to take your time, use the proper tools, and take safety precautions to avoid any potential injuries or costly repairs.

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Rewinding Boat Lift Cable

Boat lift cables are a critical component of any boat lift system as they are what supports the weight of the boat as it is lifted out of the water. Over time, however, these cables can become worn or damaged, requiring you to rewind or replace them.

While rewinding boat lift cable may seem like a simple task, there are some common mistakes that you should avoid to ensure that the cable is rewound correctly and safely.

Mistake 1: Improper Cable Measurements

Measuring the cable correctly is crucial to ensure that you purchase the right size cable for your boat lift system. Failing to measure the cable accurately can lead to various problems, such as the cable being too short or too long, which can impact the safety and efficiency of the lift.

If you are unsure how to measure the cable, consider seeking professional help or refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines. When measuring the cable, ensure that you measure from the bottom of the drum to the underside of the opposite arm to get accurate measurements.

Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Measure the cable accurately to avoid purchasing the wrong size
  • Seek professional help if you are unsure how to measure the cable
  • Measure from the bottom of the drum to the underside of the opposite arm

Mistake 2: Failure To Remove Old And Damaged Cable

Before rewinding the boat lift cable, ensure that you remove the old and damaged cable. Using old and damaged cable can lead to several problems such as snapping or breaking of the cable, which can be dangerous for the user.

Inspect the cable for signs of wear and tear, such as frayed cables or kinks. Even if the cable appears to be in good condition, it is essential to replace it after a certain amount of use or age.

To avoid this mistake, keep these points in mind:

  • Remove the old and damaged cable before rewinding
  • Inspect the cable for signs of wear and tear
  • Replace the cable after a certain amount of use or age

Mistake 3: Improper Cable Reattachment

Once you have removed the old and damaged cable, reattaching the new cable correctly is essential. Failing to do so can lead to various problems, such as the cable coming loose during use, leading to slippage, or even accidents.

When reattaching the cable, ensure that it is attached securely and evenly on both sides of the lift system. Use appropriate tools, such as cable clamps, to attach the cable and double-check all the connections before using the boat lift system.

Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Reattach the cable correctly to avoid slippage or accidents
  • Ensure that the cable is attached securely and evenly on both sides
  • Use appropriate tools such as cable clamps to attach the cable and double-check all the connections

As you rewind the boat lift cable, remember to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines closely and avoid making the mistakes listed above. With proper care and maintenance, your boat lift system can provide years of safe and efficient use.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Rewind Boat Lift Cable

How Often Should I Rewind My Boat Lift Cable?

Most boat lift manufacturers recommend that you should check and adjust the cables at least once a year to keep them in good working condition. Proper maintenance and regular inspection can extend the life of your boat lift cable.

How Do I Know If My Boat Lift Cable Needs Rewinding?

If you notice that the cables are loose, frayed, or damaged, it may be time to rewind them. Check for any kinks, rust spots, or unusual wear and tear. It’s always better to address any issues with the cables early and avoid expensive repairs later on.

Can I Rewind My Boat Lift Cable Myself?

Rewinding a boat lift cable requires some technical knowledge and expertise. It’s recommended to hire a professional who has experience rewinding cables. However, if you have previous experience and knowledge of how boat lift cables work, you can attempt to rewind the cable yourself.

What Tools Do I Need To Rewind My Boat Lift Cable?

To rewind a boat lift cable, you will need a cable-winding tool, a pair of pliers, a socket set, a crescent wrench, and a wire brush. You may also need a hammer, a drill, and some lubricant. You can purchase a cable-winding tool and other required tools from any boat supply store.

How Much Does It Cost To Rewind A Boat Lift Cable?

The cost of rewinding a boat lift cable can vary depending on the condition of the cables and the location of your boat lift. On average, you can expect to pay between $200-$400 for this service. However, if you attempt to do it yourself and make a mistake, it can be more expensive to fix the damages.


After reading this comprehensive guide on how to rewind boat lift cable, you now have a better understanding of the process and the necessary precautions to take to avoid any accidents. Remember, safety should always come first, and never underestimate the power of regular maintenance.

By taking the time to properly maintain your boat lift cable, you can ensure it is operating efficiently and avoid costly repairs or replacements down the line. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you are unsure about any part of the process.

Maintaining your boat lift cable may seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and knowledge, it can be done with ease. Happy boating!

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